Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For your love:

I keep promising myself to scoop up a piece from The Loved One lingerie collection, but I have to admit that when I have extra money$ dresses are the first thing to pop into my shopping cart. Not only dresses, but the type more suited to frumpy little children than a full grown (over-grown as of late) human lady. A far, far, faaaaaaar cry from racy/sweet vintage inspired underpinnings such as:

all images via The Loved One Shop

BUT, when I saw this video on Loved One co-founder Hannah Metz's blog it set me right back to wanting some. The price point ($24-$62) is beyond reasonable, but until I take care of some of that over-grown business I mentioned earlier I think I will stick to dresses.

The Loved One Slumber Party! from The Loved One on Vimeo.



hello, i love you!